Time is precious and no one truly knows what is waiting around the corner…

Make the most of your time and how you choose to spend it.  If you are going through a difficult situation in life focus on taking each day step by step and minute by minute. Living in the “now” is very important, and thus it is imperative to live life to the fullest whilst relishing every second of your life.

If, in some stressful moments you find yourself riddled with fear and or anxiety, try to refocus your thoughts and emotions on the “present” – this can be achieved by taking slow and controlled breaths which will assist you in grounding yourself in the moment and guard you against a possible downward spiral of emotions.

To quote the movie About Time:-

‘’We are all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is our best to relish this remarkable ride.”

Life is beautiful and time is an excellent tool which you can use to turn your own life into a movie. Imagine the remarkable movie you could create if you spend every second of your life dedicated to shaping the life you want to live – I bet it would be a blockbuster movie and be worth watching.

Focus on your dream and break it down into episodes (steps) while following your dream.  This can be a difficult and daunting task as it will require you to break out of your comfort zone. There is solace in knowing that it is outside of one’s comfort zone where true character is built. It helps to always keep your inner child alive and to find the beauty in everyday life. Spend your time wisely by doing the things that make you happy and the things that sets your soul on fire.

To conclude, live every moment in the “present” and enjoy life as it is precious gift.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

  • Kung Fu Panda,

Master Oogway

